Friday, February 1, 2013

Changing the font size in LaTex

How to change the font size in latex:

For example:
{\small My name is Imran}

You can change your font size by substituting \small in your coding with the font size listed below and see what happen with your text.
  1. \tiny
  2. \scriptsize
  3. \footnotesize
  4. \small
  5. \normalsize
  6. \large
  7. \Large
  8. \LARGE
  9. \huge
  10. \Huge
Let's try!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Importing data from Excel into Matlab

One of my colleague had asked me on how to import data from excel into Matlab, so she can manipulate the data in matlab worksheet.

This is the way, how I do it:

1) Save your data in Matlab specific folder in your computer. For example: 

C:/Users/Che Mohd Imran/Documents/MATLAB/average_matlab.xls

You need to change (average_matlab) with your own file name. Your data in excel will look like this:

Print screen of data in excel

2) In Matlab worksheet, type the following coding: 

mydata = xlsread('C:/Users/Che Mohd Imran/Documents/MATLAB/average_matlab.xls')

Your data are ready now to be manipulated. Good luck!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Pricing of temperature index insurance

  • Che Mohd Imran Che TaibabCorresponding author contact informationE-mail the corresponding author
  • Fred Espen BenthaE-mail the corresponding authorE-mail the corresponding author
    • a Center of Mathematics for Applications, University of Oslo, PO Box 1053 Blindern, N-0316 Oslo, Norway
    • b Faculty of Science and Technology, University Malaysia Terengganu, 21030 Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia

    The aim of this paper is to study pricing of weather insurance contracts based on temperature indices. Three different pricing methods are analysed: the classical burn approach, index modelling and temperature modelling. We take the data from Malaysia as our empirical case. Our results show that there is a significant difference between the burn and index pricing approaches on one hand, and the temperature modelling method on the other. The latter approach is pricing the insurance contract using a seasonal autoregressive time series model for daily temperature variations, and thus provides a precise probabilistic model for the fine structure of temperature evolution. We complement our pricing analysis by an investigation of the profit/loss distribution from the contract, in the perspective of both the insured and the insurer.

    Thursday, November 17, 2011

    Fuzzy logic: potential change to a new paradigm

    In the article "Do we need “fuzzy logic”?", Haack (1979) argued that the introducing of fuzzy logic is superfluous. She was the one among other logicians that was skeptical to Zadeh's idea of new way of logic thinking. The article of Haack was written more than one decade after Zadeh formally introduced fuzzy logic in 1965 and she claims that “fuzzy logic is methodologically extravagant and linguistically incorrect” (Haack, 1979). This issue gave a profound effect to the logicians and scientists as well since logic is naturally embedded to all science domains and surely the classical logic look more coherent to conventional logician thus any attempt of disproving should be denied. From my critical sense... see full text PDF